About the initiative „Annoying, excessive sweating? // Irriterande, överdriven svettning?“ by Dr. Wolff
The website Kraftigasvettningar.se is an initiative of Dr. August Wolff GmbH & Co KG Arzneimittel, based in Bielefeld, Germany. We would like to provide sufferers and their relatives with detailed information worth knowing about the clinical picture of hyperhidrosis - excessive, pathological sweating.
Please note that the information on this website does not replace a personal consultation with a doctor!
Rather, our goal is to improve and simplify doctor-patient communication and to raise awareness of the disease among a broad audience.
Notes on the information on this website
The advice articles on this website are carefully researched. We rely on reliable sources, such as the guidelines of the medical societies (AWMF e.V. for short). We try to explain complicated medical issues in a simple and understandable way. Affected persons should be able to prepare themselves as best as possible for the doctor's consultation and also find further relevant information about the disease and life with hyperhidrosis afterwards.
We place the highest quality demands on our guide texts, while at the same time making them easy to read:
- They are subject to the dual control principle. This means that all guidebook articles on medical topics are created in our editorial office, but are also thoroughly checked for technical accuracy by at least one scientific-medical employee.
- We use the generic masculine for nouns and pronouns in order to keep the reading flow simple. At this point, we would like to explicitly point out that all terms used by us are meant inclusively and do not refer to a single gender.
- We use the informal address "you" in our texts. Hyperhidrosis is a very personal disease, often with very individual restrictions on the quality of life. We want to take this into account with the personal address and communicate at eye level with those affected. However, this does not mean that respect for each other and especially for our readers is lost.
- In some places on the website you will find quotes from physicians. We would like to point out that the quotes have been made independently, but Prof. Dr. Daisy Kopera, PD. Dr. Christoph Schick Prof. Dr. Rolf-Markus Szemies and Prof. Dr. Thomas Dirschka are acting in an advisory capacity for the company Dr. August Wolff GmbH & Co KG Arzneimittel.

You have a question about the initiative „Annoying, excessive sweating? // Irriterande, överdriven svettning?“ by Dr. Wolff?
Want to tell us your personal hyperhidrosis story?
Then we look forward to receiving your e-mail to: kraftiga-svettningar@drwolffgroup.com